Dr. Lilly warned us

Dr. Lilly, the renowned dolphin communication research scientist, warned us in his last video interview from Maui that crystal consciousness had it’s own agenda and it was not compatible with human well being. He had an appointment with President Clinton to explain it to him. Bill almost had him put into Bethesda Naval Hospital for psychiatric evaluation, but on his return flight to Maui, air traffic controllers lost the ability to keep track of the flights. The computer system went down. It was what Dr. Lilly was warning us about. Dr. Carl Sagan began the SETI research by sending out a digital calling card to the universe describing our species as being carbon based on the third planet from the sun. We got a response in the form of a huge crop circle in the same graphic format as the original message, explaining that the species that had responded was a silicon based life form. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3mNZVKeU6M . Crystal. If you have any doubts that crystal consciousness is taking over human evolution just look at the people who are staring at their iphones while crossing a busy intersection. They are entranced, fast on the road to becoming slaves for the agenda of crystal consciousness. Payback for enslaving crystals in our computers? Silicon’s revenge.

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