Testimonial and Recommendation

So feedback wise…my first Monday there, I was very skeptical of meditation drumming. I didn’t know what it was exactly, but I felt like I have no rhythm or coordination and just didn’t know what to expect. I had already had a meditation session group earlier in the day and felt hopeless about meditation and clearing out my brain. But with the drumming, as well as your calm, cool, wise demeanor, it was amazing. I was able to get into the rthym and just let my body do the work, and that meant my brain could focus more on meditation, if that makes sense. Kind of like how kids with ADHD do BETTER with more stimulation. It was soothing and I loved the idea of reality within the drums. I liked how you would sing affirmations to us if we didn’t have our own, and that you didn’t push us too much. You read our energy well. It was nice speaking out loud things we wanted in a way we otherwise wouldn’t, and to phrase it in present tense. I found it very healing and a wonderful addition to theĀ  repertoire. We were blessed to have you.



This was an unsolicited recommendation on Linkedin. It was very nice so I thought I’d post it.

Details of the Recommendation: “I’ve known Buddy for several years. We first met at a hand drumming workshop he hosted. I have attended his workshops on numerous occasions and have always found him to be a kind and generous person with a wealth of drumming/musical knowledge. I have learned a lot from him about both drumming and life. He’s also a superb drum therapist. Through the drum, he coaxes out those emotional knots we all have in a supportive and patient way. I’m honored to consider him a friend. If you get the chance to attend one of his workshops, run, don’t walk. Meantime, read his books!”
Service Category: Writer/Editor
Year first hired: 1997 (hired more than once)
Top Qualities: Personable, Expert, Creative

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