I keep coming back to the drum for the feelings of having: Rhythmic knowingness.
This is a wider, greater consciousness than what we usually have to work with on a daily level but some people, like avatars, live and work at a level of knowingness that borders on mystical, even miraculous. I have experienced this through working with drumming as a meditation. But, is it a test or a gift? Both.
“I see the Goddess in your eyes.” Spoken at the height of rhythmic consciousness can come back to haunt. The tantric energies can be unlocked and allowed to operate in the human sphere of the energy at a high leel of knowingness without the intellect understanding. Rhythm, drumming, maintains my equilibrium. Balance is rhythmic. Yoga releases memories that create tension. Drumming washes away. Desperate demons assuaged.
“Look at the opportunities in front of you. Not the ones behind.”
Drumming goes forward, creating a model of reality that is everchanging and fluid with Grace. Not being distracted by demons or mere distractions. Striving to be something that I am not. What I want to be. Creating and broadcasting consciousness, and… making a prophet and profit.
“Great things happen to me.” becomes “I accept great things happening to me.” Allowing, and not restricting. Flowing instead of clogging.